How to raise money effectively from your sporting event

We’re so grateful to everyone who can raise money for us, and we are more than happy to offer support in any way you need.

Use an online fundraising platform such as Virgin money. These are a great way to keep the admin small…


…or download an old fashioned sponsorship form here!


Keep sharing updates through social media, and why not ask for support at work? They may even match fund you! You could also add little events to boost your sponsorship, for example cake sales or even a quiz!

You can use any of the following images or logos for any publicity you do, and why not head to our blog page to see what we’ve been up to lately. It’s likely that if you care about what we do, your friends and families will too.

You can raise money for a specific project or for general funds.

Whatever you choose to do, have fun doing it!


Running advice from 10 year marathon veteran and Antifreeze employee Nigel Sarjudeen