We’re in a new school!
The schools team have recently added St Andrew’s Primary School in Hove to our list of (now 6) regular schools.
Since November 2023 the schools team have been in St Andrew’s weekly, running a lunchtime prayer space for y3-6. There’s been great uptake and excitement from students! Over the past two half terms we’ve been doing prayer activities about who God has made us to be and saying thank you to him for all he has given us.
This month St Andrew’s year 2s are collecting items for Antifreeze as part of their ‘donate a day’ initiative. Becky will be going round each year 2 class to lead a session about Antifreeze and the work they’re doing with those experiencing homelessness.
The schools team are also working with the RE lead and the Student Faith council to create an outdoor permanent prayer space which would be available to all students at any break. The aim of this space is to give students a quiet outside space with simple activities helping students to reflect and take things to God in prayer. We’ve been excited about the amazing ideas students have come up with for this space!
All in all our first few month in St Andrew’s have been fantastic and the schools team are looking forward to seeing how this partnership will grow!