Working with charities is good for Business
Sarah Melvin (OTF) and David Thomson, MD of Sutton Winson Insurance Brokers
Ok, you’re a fledgling business just making your way in the world. You’re a medium sized SME that has struggled to get through Covid. You’re a large corporate whose shareholders scrutinize every digit in the management accounts.
How on earth can you justify supporting a charity?
Yet, most of your peers and competitors are..
Why might that be?
On a superficial level, you want to support a good cause, one that might be close to your heart. Off The Fence has a couple of supporters who have been homeless themselves.
But supporting a charity can also be good for business.
The benefit most often fed back to me is the boost to staff morale. One hundred people took part in our Big Sleep-out last November. Amongst these were three companies with teams led by chief executives. The sese of achievement as a team was immense. One company alone doubled the £8,500 raised by employees via sponsorship. Fun, fulfilling, profile raising.
It’s also a great reason to get out of bed in the morning.
..and what better way to get buy-in than to allow staff to select the charity and then as a team engage – with photos, testimonials, certificates and engagement - with both the charity and its clients.
Creating dialogue with your customers by allowing them to take part by donating, actively helping is also a positive win for your business. Which business are they going to patronise? The socially responsible one or the one that averts its community face?
Ask them to leave reviews saying why they do business with your company. You’ll be surprised by how many cite your charity involvement. Use My Favourite Voucher Codes that funnels 20% of their profits to your chosen charity. Your customers save money, donate and love you more all in the same very satisfying package
Charities also have a great relationship the media. Getting regularly mentioned in their press releases, blogs, social media and websites will add to your reputation at little or no cost.
In networking environment your relationship with your chosen charity or charities will stand up in sharp relief, effortlessly shaping the friendly, caring image of your company.
Your bottom line will almost certainly be boosted. An improved public profile will accelerate profit margins. You can even donate a percentage of your profits and even better, it could be tax deductible.
So working with charities can be good for business as well as good for the soul.